Wednesday, January 24, 2007

225 More Spots for IBI in Ontario

Autism is back in the news again in Ontario.

"McGuinty Government Investing In More Services For Children With Autism"
(Source: Ontario Govt. Ministry of Children and Youth Services - News Releases)
Jan. 18, 2007

So I've had quite a few calls from friends back home, who have asked me "do you regret moving out there now that Ontario is increasing its support?". Our answer is an unequivocal NO!

225 new spots in all of Ontario would not have come close to our spot on the waiting list (which we gave up with the move). You'll also note that the article says "We are moving quickly to fund Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI)...". I'd be interested to hear how many spots have actually opened up since this announcement. 225 out of a remaining 1280 children still on the waiting list, does not seem to make much of a difference in the big scheme of things.

Our favourite autism-advocate/political player, Shelley Martel (non-autism related politics aside).. said it succintly when the news was announced:

"Autism Announcement Is A Drop In The Bucket..."

My happiness for those families whose children were one of the 225 is heartfelt. I often think about the kids that have not yet had opportunity to benefit from any sources of support to address their needs. I haven't forgotten those families and even though we are 'livin' the life' out here in Calgary, we have not turned our backs on them. We'll continue to bitch and complain about this crappy system and hopefully someday I'll have a post to announce a federal autism strategy that will address the needs of ALL Canadian kids with autism and not just 225 of them.

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