Monday, June 25, 2007

Will's Got Skillz

Despite all the craziness that we are currently going through with Will, he's doing some pretty amazing stuff too. Check it out:

Of all the boys, I think Will most enjoys watching Jonathan play the guitar. I caught Will plucking away at the strings all on his own. He had been singing each note he plucked.. at least until I turned the camera on (naturally)

Michelle found a really cool website that has an alphabet game that Will can enjoy without very much assistance from us. It's so neat to watch how focused he is on the letters. That horn growing out of his forehead is a reaction to a mosquito bite.

Because of the boys' intense therapy program schedule throughout the summer, we thought that making our backyard a fun place to be, might offset their hard work with some great play at the end of the day. All the boys love this monstrosity, and Will especially so.

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