Sunday, May 27, 2007


Poor Will has had a rough couple of months. We have all had a rough couple of months if we want to get honest. With his sleeping trouble, more specifically - his lack of sleep, he just hasn't been himself. Couple extreme exhaustion with the HUGE distraction of having crazy hair that hung in his eyes, you can see how Will was having difficulty with focusing on anything beyond the curtain of bangs he was sporting. Okay, I might be exaggerating a little, but they have definitely been a distraction for him.

The first half of today was particularly difficult for Will. The word miserable doesn't begin to describe his mood today. He woke up whiny, aggressive, inconsolable and a general royal pain in the.. neck. Conversations within our household were nearly impossible to hear through the sound of his constant crying. A switch was flipped mid-afternoon and the old Will came back to us.

We had cancelled Will's appointment at the hair dresser's last week because we knew he couldn't handle the stress of it. But we decided to take advantage of this opportunity and quickly set things out on the back deck to give him a little buzz. I honestly think that it was the first time ever in four years, that Will had a haircut without crying or without one of us getting punched or kicked. Progress!

Before: picture taken yesterday

After: the new Will today

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