Thursday, January 24, 2013

Paying It Forward Through Random Acts of Kindness

I know it has been forever. A lot has changed, a lot has happened and life went on. 

I'm not here today to talk about autism or what my family is up to. I'll save that for another time. Instead, I thought I could use this place to share updates on a little project I am taking on.

Last Sunday at church, our minister suggested we try to pay it forward. Coincidentally, I have been inspired by a friend of mine, when I learned about her project to do 40 random acts of kindness as she leads up to her 40th birthday. 

I am going to try and do the same for the next 30 days and document it here on my blog. If just one other friend is inspired to do the same, then one of their friends does it too.. just think of what this can do! It's not a new concept. But it is a way to bring a little light into someone's day. Who knows what they are going through and who knows what kind of impact you can have on someone's life. 

Please consider joining me on this little project. 

Today I am headed to the library to pay some overdue fees. Let's see if I can surprise some strangers by paying for theirs as well.

Watch this space to see how we're doing. 

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