Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Sweet Relief

There is nothing scarier I think, than worrying that your child might be ill. There is nothing sweeter, than learning that they are not.
A few weeks ago, Will had to go have some routine medical tests as a precaution before going on a medication. What was meant to be routine, turned into MY full-blown panic. Results from an ECG came back suggesting something that warranted concern and further investigation. Add to that a receptionist that divulged too much detailed information on the phone to me (that of course I immediately googled and shouldn't have), so I was probably more worried than I needed to be. An appointment was made at Children's Hospital with the cardiologist and then we had to wait.

I can't remember the last time we've had to wait out news like this. It brought back those scary memories of when Owen was diagnosed with autism, then we had a whole week to wait before Will's assessment with the same scary suspicions in our minds. I remember back then, how sick to death I felt at the news for Owen. And how the nausea turned to blind fear that we would get the same diagnosis for Will. But to keep yourself protected, you let yourself believe what everyone tells you, "it will all be okay - I have a good feeling about this - just wait, you'll see it turns out to be nothing". But the bad news was delivered again for Will. We got "lucky" and lightning struck twice. So forgive me when I think the worst, because the worst happened to us twice already.

This morning we had to repeat the test and the results were the same. Followed by a meeting with the cardiologist who explained the results and asked some screening questions. He was still concerned and decided to proceed with another, more comprehensive test. Results came back and Will is okay!!! (this is the simple version).

Here's his happy dance:

I feel like we've dodged a bullet. I can breathe again. Now it's time to follow through with all of those promises I made God in my prayers for the past few weeks.

There are times, like now, when I feel like I'm getting the message. That our time here is borrowed. We're lucky if we get a full-ride. My children are my blessings in life and they were gifted to me. I can't ever take that for granted.

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