Saturday, April 18, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Am supposed to describe my life in six words. Instead, I'll describe my last week in six words.

6 words= Dana, Will, Jonathan, Jake, Owen & Emily

I love that my life last week was so simple. It did not include, work, school or therapy. Nor did it include stress, pressure or deadlines. It did include a lot of fun, new experiences and great successes.

Gotta love Six Word Saturdays and gotta love holidays!


Call Me Cate said...

Looks like a great week! I love those simple times when you aren't running after twenty different activities. Thanks for playing!

debi9kids said...

GREAT 6 words!
So glad you decided to join in. Looks like you had the perfect week!

Melissa B. said...

Such a sweet snap...thanks bunches! Great 6 words...

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