Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jake's 1st day - La Maternelle!

Today was pretty low key for Jake even though it was his first day of Kindergarten. He's old hat at this school business, having been to JK last year. They don't have JK/SK out here, so for a lot of the kids in his class, this was their first time being separated from Mom and Dad. Not for Jake. He barely looked back when I dropped him off. Admittedly, he was a little shy and i think it might take a few more days before he really acts himself and meets some new friends. Jake will be attending French Immersion this year and we have no qualms at all that we will adjust to that as easily as he does everything else that is thrown his way.

Jake enjoying a moment and a pep-talk with Dad before going to school

Jake with his new teacher, Mme. Heather

We are still trying to figure out how I'll be juggling the transportation/before and after school care situation for Jake every morning. I just can't be at two places at once with having to drive the Brothers to their program downtown every morning, so we are trying to find a fun program for Jake to go to. The school bus situation is terrible in this city at the moment. Given the current boom in Calgary, coupled with the terrible labour shortage, they do not have enough bus drivers for the kids and I heard today that they have cancelled something like 49 school bus routes even though there has been a 2% increase in enrollment. Aunt Shelley - you sure you don't want to move out here???

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